Another script done and dusted, another blog entry. Well, why not? This time around it’s Transformers (UK) #4, a 10-page (movie continuity) story focusing on the Decepticon Devastator. For those of you not up to speed on the all-new TFUK (comic/magazine), the first issue hits UK newsstands on July 19th, and contains a mix of new strip, reprint strip (movie Prequel and more) and features (not to mention FREE Transformers dog tags!). Artists so far confirmed include Geoff Senior, Andrew Wildman and Nick Roche. So, anyway, issue #4. Issues #1-6 all feature largely self-contained, character-led stories which are laced into the IDW Movie Prequel storyline. The six one-shots have a linking ongoing theme, something along the (framework) lines of Aspects of Evil or Perchance to Dream (two UK b&w stories from the late 80s/early 90s). Issues #3-6 are much less tied to the main (Prequel) storyline, the characters involved sidetracked somewhat and given a chance to shine (or behave badly) solo (or mostly solo). We deliberately, in these latter four issues particularly, went for characters not featured heavily (or at all) in the Prequel (hence Devastator). The story? Well, I won’t go into it here (these are teasers not spoilers), but suffice it to say we really do see why he’s called Devastator. As for the art, well, if you’ve been following Dreamwave/IDW comics for the past few years, you won’t be disappointed. Nuff said.

8 Responses to SCRIPT (W)RAP

  1. oooh sounds good. Lets hope it last longer than the last two UK series, so come on you fellow UK fans, get ready to head down to the shops and spend spend spend.

  2. Graham says:

    This is great news! I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen in IDW’s Movie Prequel mini-series so far, and new character-focused stories to tie in sound great. Best of luck for the new (UK) comic!

  3. Limabean says:

    And heres hoping i get to throw some colours onto it :D.

  4. Iron Wolf says:

    Excellent news! I’ll be keeping my eye on my local Forbidden Planet for this! Stuff like this, it’s what a new job and better wages are for!

  5. Zarius says:

    Nice to see the UK comics live again, I only hope they last a little longer than previous efforts, good to see your going to use new material in contrast with prequel stuff like most of your stuff, gives us Brits more to brag about.

  6. Paul Cannon says:

    Exciting stuff. The US prequel is a good read so far, fantastic to have another UK Transformers comic. Long overdue, and my three favourite artists too!

  7. Ian Hewett says:

    It’ll be great to see a Transformers comic in Smiths again. And Andrew Wildman and Geoff Senior to boot! Fantastic. Best of luck with it, I know it’ll be a great read.
    Looking forward to the dog tags, too… 😀

  8. Mike Moran says:

    Man I wish this was coming out in the USA. I just might have to find a way to import these here! Senior and Wildman on TF’s again with Furman! ::faints::

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