Right, more updates and details on the next couple of convention appearances. First up, on Saturday 1st September, I’ll be at the London Film and Comicon at Earl’s Court. Big, BIG event this, with lots of stars of film and TV… and us. That is, myself, Steve White (editor of Titan’s Transformers comic/magazine and former Marvel UK colourist) and Geoff Senior. All sorts of reasons to check this out and get along if you can. Apart from the fact that I’ll probably spill the beans on what’s happening story-wise after TF-UK #6, there’s stuff to be won (check out Titan’s dedicated TF-MySpace page for more details), stuff to buy (Geoff’s promising some exclusive art prints and I’ll have multiple copies of the original script to TF-UK #1 with me) and stuff to see (like the actual Bumblebee Chevy Camaro from the movie). For more details, go here. Then, later that month (Saturday September 29th), I’ll be in Dublin, appearing at Sub-Con (doing signings and at least one dedicated Transformers panel), along with the likes of Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), Pia Guerra (Y The Last Man) and Bryan Talbot (Alice in Sunderland). The convention is being held in Dublin’s Central Hotel. For more details, go here (or check out the image below).


  1. Jon S says:

    Hi Simon,
    Is there a set time for the signing at the London Film and Comicon, or are you there all day? Also, do you know if Geoff is going to have any Death’s Head art prints? I think the Death’s Head cover he did for the recent Vol 1 collection (the one he inked and coloured though) is great and would make a great poster!
    Jon S

  2. Will says:

    Dang it! I can’t make the 1st. Will there be any other way to get hold of the script and Geoff’s art prints? If I beg maybe?

  3. simon furman says:

    I’m trying to find out what exactly our schedule is for the day. As soon as I know, so will you.

  4. simon furman says:

    Hm. It’s pretty much an on-the-day kind of deal with the script and art prints. Though I may have scripts with me at the Dublin Sub-Con as well. Do you know anyone who’s going who could get you one or the other (or both)?

  5. Will says:

    I don’t, unfortunately. I might be able to work something out and get to the London show, hopefully.

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