Been delving deeply into Transformers Animated (the new cartoon series) recently, watching a whole bunch of episodes (which I enjoyed greatly). Why? Well, the news has already broken that Titan (who already do the four-weekly UK Transformers comic) are bringing out a companion publication: Transformers Animated (UK) later this year. And I’m going to be doing some of the fully-originated lead strips. Not all, by any means, but a few here and there, kicking with issue #1’s story “Swiped!”. No details at the moment, I’ll save that for a Script (W)rap down the line, but suffice it to say that it kicks off a whole year’s worth of TFA-UK goodness, self-contained but with that all-important arc as well, and introduces an all-new character. News on the artist for that one real soon, but I can tell you it’ll be a crowd-pleaser! And, the other bit of juicy TFA new I can share is that the bumper-sized October issue #17 (of TF-UK) features a bonus 6-page UK-original TFA story, written by me, featuring none other than the Dinobots! Well, I just HAD to write that one! Right, off to watch some more episodes. Definitely the best TF series since Beast Wars, IMO.

21 Responses to A TOUCH ANIMATED!

  1. Let me guess – Sideswipe?

  2. jamwah says:

    Coolio! The naysayers for this series have been awfully quiet recently. Maybe the quality has shone through?

    Don’t suppose the comic is taking submissions for pin-ups…?

  3. TriBlurr says:

    I’m curious on how your going to write for Animated Grimlock…as he is……not exactly the smart military leader you portray him as in your usual stuff. While I enjoy both the Smart and Dumb versions of Grimlock. I would like to see your take on the less..intelligent…….. version of the character. hehe.

  4. simon furman says:

    Grimlock will be portrayed exactly as he is in the animated series. It’s actually kind of fun doing dumb Dinobots (as a sharp contrast to the smart-er Dinos in Maximum Dinos, which is also in-progress). Lots of scope for laughs.

    And… Sideswipe? Who said anything about Sideswipe???

  5. Dan Coyle says:

    I’m really enjoying Transformers Animated, and this is speaking as an OG fan of the original series. Granted, I’m enjoying it as kids’ stuff, but the people behind it make sure to throw in an easter egg or two for the old school fans.

    I bet some people think Sari is annoying but I think she’s a fun character. The voice work, particularly from Tara Strong, Bill Fagerbakke, and Bumper Robinson is top notch.

  6. Jon S says:

    I think Nick Roche should be an artist on a TF Animated story, as he can really do that animated drawing style well. Of course, I’d love to see Geoff Senior’s version of TF Animated, as well as a Death’s Head Animated…

  7. Charles RB says:

    I’m hoping and praying for many appearances by the Constructicons.

  8. Frank L says:

    Guess I’ll be picking this up too. I’m in the US and I’ll be getting this shipped to me like I do your other work. Simon, your work on the UK movie stuff is amazing and I’m looking forward to this one. Oh and about possible artists, how about Wildman? I would love to see him take a stab at this, he’s not done nearly enough recent TF work for my liking.

  9. I hope you don’t mind me asking here but do you know if Titan Magazines are currently looking for more artists/colourists for these projects? I would love to work on a few sample pages for them (and for my portfolio generally, I just happen to also love this show) but am not quite sure who to ask. Thank you very much for your help!

  10. Obsidian says:

    So Simon, you’re currently working on Maximum Dinobots, Revelation, TF UK and TF Animated UK, and have The 13 coming for next year. Do you have any plans for more Beast Wars/Machines?

  11. Warewullf says:

    This is great news, Simon! I’m really loving the TFA series. Bulkhead has rapidly become a firm favourite of mine. Can’t wait to see your stories.

  12. Simon Hall says:

    “…the best series since Beast Wars”? ooh… excited now! Bought the Lockdown figure a couple of weeks ago, and I love it. I love the stylised look. And for the first time ever, we have show accurate figures! How cool is that? I have been distinctly underwelmed by the Armada trilogy and accompanying cartoon shows. They just didn’t work for me (I like watching subtitled japanses animation – I find the dubs..a bit busy, cramming reams and reams of dialogue into flapping mouthshardly pausing for breath leads to very little ‘acting’ and characterisation for me – phew!). I’m still enjoying the UK TF comic and will see if I can support the animated title too. intrigued as to who’s working on the new title – the preview in the recent TF comic seemed very disjointed. Was it not meant to be a full story snippet, just clips, like a trailer?

  13. Black Bumblebee says:

    Not trying to stir the pot any here, but just curious as to what your thoughts are on the All Hail Megatron storyline now that the first issue has been published? You did some brilliant work with TF UK making Budiansky’s storylines mesh with your own, so I’m not too worried about you being able to tell “your” story, but I know that whatever the “big change” was, it had to affect your storyline ideas somewhat…

  14. simon furman says:

    Hey Black Bumblebee, right now I’m waaaay too busy (on my own little corner [or corners] of the TF Universe and elsewhere) to comment on someone else’s book. Sorry ’bout that.

  15. simon furman says:

    Abigail, best bet is probably to chek out the Titan website and follow the ‘contact us’ links.


  16. Bass X0 says:

    Just wondering – the show doesn’t have Snarl and Swoop talking – will they do so in the comic?

  17. Coptur says:

    Simon do you not think Lockdown looks alot like your original Deathshead??

  18. Coptur says:

    Would you portray Octane and Astrotrain similar to Blitzwing by using three different personalities for them too?!?!

  19. Thank you very much, I really appreciate the help!

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